What Are You Willing To Do To Help Yourself?

How far are you willing to go to help yourself? Would you try a complementaryDont stop seeking that which brings balance to your life therapy that  made little sense to you but may have real benefit? Would you sell your favorite objects to gain back your health? Would you change your diet, your job, and/or your residence to get better? How open is your mind to the investigation of learning to find the answers of your illness and healing yourself?

Whether you have Parkinson’s disease, have some other ailment, or issue in your life, there is probably an element in your life that could use improving. I have yet to meet the individual who has been able to manage their daily stress, issues from their past, or fears, and not be in need of at least a little assistance.

Today, I can say that I am better now than I was 10 years ago. Having had Parkinson’s for over 20 years, I see this as remarkable and nearly miraculous. My medications haven’t changed for many years and if they have changed at all, it was a slight reduction in pills and not an increase. I can control almost all of my symptoms thanks to Reiki (complementary therapy energy work—see my prior postings on Reiki). I am not at 100 percent, yet, but it took a long time to get sick and it will a long time to totally heal.

I don’t like the words “chronic”, “degenerative”,   and “incurable”, and yet these are the words that label Parkinson’s and so many other illnesses. With these words, the medical community offers nothing but doom and gloom when what is needed is encouragement for motivation and life change.  Hope and direction is often what the patient needs. Sometimes a shift in thinking, perception, outlook, emotions, diet, lifestyle, and openness to healing is enough to make the transition improving one’s condition and see an improvement. For myself,  the gradual  transition to improving took time, energy, dedication, and sacrifice. Getting better for most of us Is not going to be a quick and easy fix, but if you open your mind to explore outside your comfort zone, you may very well find yourself seeing improvement in your overall health.