Seattle Ferris Wheel at Sunset

A Dash of Positivity #1

A Dash of Positivity #1

I am writing this today to share some good stuff! There is a lot of negativity in the news, in health, and we tend to forget that there are stories to make us smile, laugh, and pick us up. Here are a few that I stumbled upon and hope that they just might brighten your day! Enjoy!


If you want a snack of positivity, a laugh, and some positive thoughts, take a quick break and enjoy these 3 stories.

—-A dog does a dance of pure joy

—-A pair of widowed Otters find love

—-Happiness and compassion

Something to laugh at:
Pet dog does the happy dance after receiving soft toy as gift. Cute viral video

Something to inspire:
Widowed Otters Move In Together After Finding Love Again Online

 Happiness and Compassion:

If you haven’t been to, check it out for some uplifting tips!


  1. Karl, love the new site and the recent articles were great. So glad you and Angela are well (Barry and I are also). There now seems to be a light at the end of this very long tunnel of self-isolation. Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas.
    Pat & Barry

    1. Pat, it was great to see you and Barry on Zoom! We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021!

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