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A Parkinson’s Wellness Checklist

Parkinsons Checklist - Karl Robb ASoftVoice.com
Parkinson’s Wellness Checklist – ASoftVoice.com

Self-care is a topic that I talk about quite a bit, on this blog. During these changing times, it can be easy to forget wellness tools and tips that we have in our toolbox.

In helping myself to remember to do my own self-care, I developed the checklist below and thought it might be a helpful resource and tool! You might consider using the list as a daily checklist to discover some helpful sites and be inspired to start or finish a project.

Wellness is an important part of our journey with Parkinson’s disease. I believe keeping the mind, body, and spirit in balance is a holistic approach to living well with Parkinson’s. This list covers these three areas of wellness and allows to you to be creative with the items you feel drawn to add.

If you know your Parkinson’s disease resources well, you might share the list with those who are less familiar with available information. I hope that this is a tool that you can use to help yourself.