Be Open while Facing Parkinson's


I am neither a doctor nor am I a scientist. I am simply a Parkinson’s patient living over 25 years with what I have been told is a “progressive, degenerative, and chronic illness”. My theories hold no scientific merit and my empirical data is close to nil, and yet  the proof is in the results of my actions. As I write this blog post, I can tell you here and now that I am as well as I have been in many many years. I don’t reveal this information for applause or braggadocio but to explain that I truly believe there may be tweaks, nudges, and slight alterations to our “conventional” perception of illness to take it even farther. Call it faith, call it hope, call it luck, but if it works for you and you improve why put a label on it? Just accept that what works for you works for you.

As a Reiki practitioner and master, I can tell you that I have seen a change of some sort in every person that I have worked on over the past 15 years. The distinct change in the  person’s eyes, the calmness in their demeanor, the deepening of their breath, and often the clarity of their mind are noticeable results following a Reiki treatment. Even when the client is unable to identify a change or is unable to recognize any difference, it is often quite obvious to the energy worker.

Reiki has given me such peace, control, and strength. I found it as a skeptic but when I discovered the tremendous benefits of calmness and energy that it brought me, I new this was what I needed. That was 15 years ago. I am not supposed to get better, but I am. I have no doubt that Reiki is one of the key tools to my success.

I have little doubt that we humans are susceptible to many stressors that we don’t often think my be a stressor. Consider electricity, Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) and exposure to busy streets, or a hectic and loud room. For me, if I am exposed to high energy power lines or even an electronic store full of appliances, I can feel that energy bombarding my body and going right through me.

If carrying crystals or stones in your pocket calms your mind and body and you feel an attachment to the energy of the object, by all means, do it. As wacky as it may sound, I have found benefit and protection by carrying stones with certain properties. At little cost and no risk, what is the harm in carrying a piece of quartz and malachite to see if it helps.

Putting a cap or at least reducing your stress level will no doubt reduce your symptoms, improve your state of mind, and improve your sleep. Sometimes taking a break from outside influences like television news, newspapers, reality TV, and people with negative attitudes, will seem like a vacation. You need positivity and to hear the good stuff. What we hear, see, and touch leaves and imprint on us. If the mind is a computer and we program it with negative software, the more likely we are going to need to upgrade our virus protection.

If we remain skeptical and close-minded about exploring options that are foreign to us, we cheat ourselves and an awaiting opportunity. If you are open enough to explore a complementary therapy, I encourage you to investigate the therapy and practitioner, go in with an open mind, and be flexible to try another therapy if you discover this therapy isn’t right for you. Make sure the therapy is noninvasive, within your budget, and that the person doing the therapy is certified and experienced.